My Blogs of Cool Stuff starts here -- See labels on sidebar 4 more
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Art of Glitter

They glitter when the code is properly inserted
They glitter when the code is properly inserted
Under Customize, select Add Gadget, and select Code icon, paste the code that you copied from this site in the window, give it a heading, click save and on the Layout page you can move the inserted pic where you want by using your mouse
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
SA Blog Awards

It seems that East Coast Radio has walked away with the SA Blog Awards for 2009!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
World Wide Web 20th birthday

Happy 20th birthday, World Wide Web - and here's to another 20!
March 13, is the twentieth anniversary of the World Wide Web. On this date twenty years ago, Sir Tim Berners-Lee submitted his historical Information Management: A Proposal document, basically a blueprint by which the scientific community could easily share and search their information. His far-reaching paper led to the development of HTML, which is the language that initially enabled us all to see documents on the Web, and links to leap from one place to another easily. Twenty years after the creation of the Web, it's amazing how far we've come - and it's even more amazing to think about where we might be in another twenty years. The Web has absolutely revolutionized the way we live our lives: communication, socialization, work...it's truly woven itself into the fabric of our daily life.More about the history of the Web
- How Did The Web Get Started?: In the late 1980’s, a CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) scientist named Tim Berners-Lee came up with the idea of hypertext, information that was â€Å“linkedâ€� to another set of information. Learn more about his historical proposal.
- The History of the World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee formally introduced his world wide web project to the world on the alt.hypertext newsgroup. In the post he said the project "aims to allow links to be made to any information anywhere".
- How the Web Has Changed the World: The Web, officially launched as an offshoot of the Internet in 1989, has not been around that long. However, it has become a huge part of many people̢۪s lives; enabling them to communicate, work, and play in a global context.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Latest Graphic cards
Looking for the latest graphic cards?
Monster stuff!
Contact Werner 084 584 7900
Monster stuff!
Contact Werner 084 584 7900

Not a person I like much, but for those of you who do .... She talked about the new gadget that she wants to give to her School in South Africa because of all the books they need to carry, poor things!?
Probably not the school in Kokstad!?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Start Travels
One of my Facebook friends, Rudo has inspired me to start with my travels to Orlando because he also visited Pensacola Florida, so check it out here!
http://outoppie-travels.blogspot.com for more
http://outoppie-travels.blogspot.com for more
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Owambo Buffel, G5, Ratel
Meeste van ons mans het Grensdiens in Owambo en omgewing gedoen gedurende die sogenaamde Bosoorlog. Ons Regiment (RLW), was van die eerstes wat die nuwe Buffel mynbestande voertuie ontvang het. Ek dink ons was op Oshigambo en het die voertuie in Grootfontein gaan haal. Daar was water in die bande, maar ons is nie vertel wat die effek op hoë spoed sal wees nie!
HaHa so 'n paar kilo's oppad en die manne wou sien wat die Buffel kan doen en sit voet in die hoek! Die water begin so rondomtalie binne die band maak en die Buffel begin òk so bietjie bokspring, maar soos die momentum gesinkroniseerd raak voel dit asof jy sweef op lug so lekker hardloop die Buffel!
Great Stuff
HaHa so 'n paar kilo's oppad en die manne wou sien wat die Buffel kan doen en sit voet in die hoek! Die water begin so rondomtalie binne die band maak en die Buffel begin òk so bietjie bokspring, maar soos die momentum gesinkroniseerd raak voel dit asof jy sweef op lug so lekker hardloop die Buffel!
Great Stuff
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009

Not a person I like much, but for those of you who do .... She talked about the new gadget that she wants to give to her School in SA!? Probably not the one in Kokstad!?
Icons Png format

Presentations with the new Vista Style PNG new icons has surfaced by the thousands!
Most are expensive but I will include some websites in future posts where you may download free Zip files with some great looking icons ready with no white borders or white backgrounds and suitable for Powerpoint Presentations and the Web or your Blogs!
Modzilla Firefox

I used Internet Explorer since I started surfing but had so much problems included viruses and other nasty thingamajigs that I switch over to Mozilla Firefox! One feature I like about Firefox is the 'Open Link in New Tab' which means you keep all your groopings that you are looking for / at under one window but in different tabs! ie you use Google to look for photos of the latest Atlantis Hotel Dubai and you get thousands of links so all you do is open each in its own tab to check out. When you do not find what you are looking for simply close that tab and look at the next one. Great Stuff!
Firefox has x10 new add-ons galore!
Mandela Coins

These R5 coins has been in circulation for some time but are still a Hot item!
The speculations is that the prices may escalate to unlimited heights when Nelson Mandela die!
Do you want to buy these coins for a reasonable price?
Contact us to find out more!
Most of these coins has never been handled, or in circulation, or taken out of it's original bags!
Handled with gloves and send within 24hours of purchase.
Visit www.bidorbuy.co.za and look for Werner (TOP ratings!)
Werner (084 584 7900) +27
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Face of Millions

What's this all about?
http://www.facesofmillions.com/Faces of Millions is a project which aims to create the biggest photo mosaic yet, that will be about 30x30ft big (approx. 10x10m or 3 stories high).
It will be made of about 300 usual size posters, which will have fingernail sized photos of YOU, YOUR FRIENDS and all the OTHER PEOPLE who take part (about a million of them).
You can participate immediately by using the form on the right or you can read more more about this project.
Most importantly be sure to tell all your friends about this project. I need all the help I can get in gathering so many photos.
Yours truly,
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